Chronic pain meditation | Natural Pain Relief | Relaxation for Pain

welcome to this meditation for easing chronic pain come to your preferred seated position 
close your eyes and begin to settle down if you are currently feeling any pain don't 
force yourself to sit up or lie straight out   allow your body to naturally find a position that 
feels good even if it's not a normal meditation posture slowing your breath   allow each exhale to be long and steady experience 
a wonderful feeling of release on the out breath letting go of tension slowing down your breath allows your mind to relax and it turns off the stress signals in your body breathe in for a count of four 
and out for a count of six breathing in and out just focusing on your breath releasing as much air as you 
comfortably can with each out breath when you are ready let your breath 
fall into a natural rhythm again rest your attention on the rise 
and fall of your chest or belly feel the power of your breath it has the ability to calm 
you down in any situation completely let go let all tension drain out of your body and mind breathe slowly relax more and more deeply feel all tension dissolve and drain away each breath bringing quiet throughout your body   allow your body to fully sink into the surface you 
are on letting all your muscles go loose and heavy you are safe to let go imagine a wave of relaxation starting at the top 
of your head and traveling down through your body as the wave of relaxation passes through each 
area of your body you'll feel warm and heavy imagine your brain resting allow the relaxation to flow from your scalp smoothing out your forehead releasing 
down through the back of the eyes relaxing your cheeks mouth unclenching 
your jaw and softening your throat imagine your neck muscles unraveling the relaxation goes further down down down the relaxation loosens your shoulders 
allowing them to drop into a balanced position as your shoulders soften the relaxation spreads 
down through your arms and fingers down down down you let go as you feel the relaxation 
spread deep in your chest your lungs and ribcage relaxation flowing through 
the muscles organs and bones reaching down down down the relaxation spreading deep into your digestive 
system your stomach muscles and lower back imagine all of your organs working in harmony 
as the relaxation reaches further down down down feel as the relaxation is 
loosening your pelvic area and hips the wave of relaxation expanding further 
down down down softening your thighs knees   calves ankles and feet your legs 
feeling completely warm and relaxed the wave of relaxation flowing down 
out of your toes and into the earth down down down grounding your body so that you are 
feeling a strong connection to the earth feeling steady strong and secure the muscles in your body feeling soft and relaxed accept and gracefully respond to each 
sensation in your body feeling hope   that there is something you can do about it and as you accept your body let's 
go on a journey within your mind a journey to a place of natural beauty this special place that you visit 
in your mind feels peaceful and safe it could be a place you know somewhere you wish 
to visit or a fictional place you have created take some time to choose the 
right place for you today   and take a few moments to 
look around this special area this is your safe and sacred location notice your feelings of peacefulness 
safety and connection here as you explore your chosen place find 
the spot where you feel most relaxed pick a place to sit and enjoy the peace so pay attention to the sights the 
sounds and the scent in the air take some time to enjoy being here bring your attention to any 
sensations you feel within your body there might be pain cramping tingling discomfort if you feel any pain breathe into the area don't be tempted to turn away or try to get rid 
of it soften the area to the best of your ability you've carried this pain for a 
long time like unwanted baggage so take it off you have permission imagine what it feels like to remove the pain you can thank your pain for 
accompanying you on this life journey but know that you can continue 
on this journey now by yourself visualize yourself removing your 
pain like a rucksack and leaving it as you walk away leaving the pain behind 
you notice how much lighter you feel you have a bounce in your step you're free connect to the feeling of leaving the 
pain behind really feel the emotion experience it with every fiber of your body 
and mind whatever you are feeling is right there is no should or must allow yourself to feel emotions it's safe to do so you can allow yourself to 
feel what it's like to leave the pain behind so expressing your emotion is very powerful now visualize a light where 
your pain once belonged let the light glow radiant and warm feel the light radiating out shining its healing 
light to all the surrounding muscles and organs radiating loving energy and 
compassion for yourself and others breathe in this wonderfully radiant light feel that warmth spread it releases the tightness you find yourself not needing 
to hold on so tight opening up space expanding if you have any pain direct the healing light into 
the area of discomfort and breathe out the pain let it go the muscles can relax their grip and notice 
a difference between tension and relaxation   you feel content and at ease let it all go release all tension even when you feel fully relaxed 
to let go a little bit more as you relax your muscles it triggers a signal 
to your brain that you are safe and feel calm it allows you to be more open and receptive 
to new challenges stress and facing fears your body's inner wisdom has the knowledge you 
need to break free of your struggles or pain that knowledge is there with you as you breathe out worry pain and 
discomfort leave it behind you as you walk away from this special 
place you leave your pain behind you feel optimistic   and one last time let's scan your body and 
identify any areas of lingering tension is your tummy soft and relaxed are your shoulders down away from your ears is your jaw unclenched with 
your teeth slightly parted let go of any tension and 
feel your entire body relax now that you feel fully relaxed and calm in 
a knowledge that your body is functioning   in the way it should let's 
finish with a few affirmations repeat them silently to yourself i trust that my body is in balance 
and in harmony with the natural world i love and accept my body just the way it is i move forward free from the past it's safe for my body to 
release this pain and fear as i trust my emotions and act 
on them i feel powerful and alive now that your body is relaxed and healing itself it's time to return to wakefulness feel your mind and body becoming 
aware of your surroundings bringing yourself back to the room become more 
aware of your environment of where you are everything surrounding you the furniture the temperature the noises gently start moving 
your toes legs fingers and arms move your shoulders neck and head gently stretch out your fingers and 
when you are ready open your eyes   thank you for meditating today with generation calm you

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